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The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones on the growth of cotyledonary axilars of flax (Lin - دانلود رایگان

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دانلود رایگان The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones on the growth of cotyledonary axilars of flax (LinThe effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones on the growth of cotyledonary axilars of flax (Linum usitatissimum), sunflower (Helianthus annuus)and pea (Pisum sativum)
تاثیر سیتوکینین ها و دیگر هورمون های گیاهی بر رشد محوری لپه ای درخت کتان(لینیوم یوزیتاتیسیمیوم)، آفتابگردان(هلیانتیوس آنیوس) و لوبیا(پیسیوم ستیوم)
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تاثیر سیتوکینین ها و دیگر هورمون های گیاهی بر رشد محوری لپه ای درخت کتان(لینیوم یوزیتاتیسیمیوم)، آفتابگردان(هلیانتیوس آنیوس) و لوبیا(پیسیوم ستیوم)

جوانه های درخت کتان بالای لپه ها جدا می شوند. پس از اینکه یک لپه جدا شد، رشد غنچه لپه باقیمانده در 90 درصد گیاهان قوی تر می شود. با این حال، استفاده از بنزیل آدنین سیتوکینین (BA) برای غنچه لپه حذف شده باعث ایجاد رشد معکوس وابسته بهم می شود. در مقابل، غنچه ها که دارای لپه های روینده بر روی خاک و مشابه درخت کتان هستند، پس از جدا شدن و حذف یک لپه، رشد محوری لپه حذف شده در 59 درصد گیاهان شدت بیشتری دارد. استفاده از BA برای لپه باقیمانده آفتابگردان منجر به رشد بیشتر محوری این لپه می شود. هنگامی که هر دو لپه بر روی جوانه قرار می گیرند، BA بکار گرفته شده برای یکی از این لپه های جدا شده گیاهان کتان منجر به تحریک بسیار معنادار رشد محوری این لپه می شود. با این حال، در آفتابگردان تاثیر BA معنادار نبود. پس از جداسازی ساقه جوانه های لوبیا، هر دو لپه باقی می مانند و جوانه های رویده شده فرعی رشد می کنند اما پس از دوره زمانی خاص یکی از آنها(نوع غالب) از لحاظ رشد نسبت به نوع دیگر(نوع بازدارنده شده) رشد بیشتری پیدا کرد. مطالعه حاضر بر این موضوع تمرکز کرده است که آیا استفاده از هورمون گیاهی بر جوانه بازدارنده شده می تواند باعث رشد معکوس وابسته به هم شود(یعنی جوانه بازدارنده شده در نوع غالب تغییر کند). استفاده از 12/0 درصد BA می تواند باعث چنین رشد معکوسی در تمام گیاهان شود و این درصورتی است که تفاوت اولیه در طول بین جوانه های رویده شده فرعی بازدارنده شده و غالب 24-12 میلی متر می باشد. تراکم یا غلظت 12-0 تا 5/0-0 درصدی ژیبرلین باعث رشد معکوس در 75-13 درصد گیاهان می شود، اما درصورتی این تاثیر ایجاد




















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Over‐expression of Brassica napus …

Other changes included increased phytic acid levels and phytohormone organization patterns. These results suggest the importance of PtdIns‐PLC2 as an elicitor of a battery of events that systematically control hormone regulation, and plant growth and development in what may be a …

Most Popular Article - IJAEB

Plant growth regulators viz., auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins help in plant growth and development. In present study, fluorescent Pseudomonas strains isolated from rhizospheric soil from temperate fruit zone of Himachal Pradesh were investigated for plant growth regulator production i.e. auxins, gibberellins and cytokinins in nutrient broth.

Plants | Free Full-Text | In Vitro Propagation ...

Bacopa monnieri has been used as a reputed drug in the Indian traditional ayurvedic system for centuries. This medicinal herb with important phytopharmaceuticals has been popularly known as “Brahmi& . In recent years, B. monnieri has been extensively studied for its bioactive constituents, constituents responsible for memory enhancing effect, and also its diverse other useful ...

Plants | Free Full-Text | In Vitro Propagation ...

Bacopa monnieri has been used as a reputed drug in the Indian traditional ayurvedic system for centuries. This medicinal herb with important phytopharmaceuticals has been popularly known as “Brahmi& . In recent years, B. monnieri has been extensively studied for its bioactive constituents, constituents responsible for memory enhancing effect, and also its diverse other useful ...

Plants | Free Full-Text | In Vitro Propagation ...

Bacopa monnieri has been used as a reputed drug in the Indian traditional ayurvedic system for centuries. This medicinal herb with important phytopharmaceuticals has been popularly known as “Brahmi& . In recent years, B. monnieri has been extensively studied for its bioactive constituents, constituents responsible for memory enhancing effect, and also its diverse other useful ...

Neglected Oil Crop Biotechnology | SpringerLink

Ganapathi TR, Nataraja K (1993) Effect of auxins and cytokinins on plant regeneration from hypocotyls and cotyledons of niger (Guizotia abyssinica). Biol Plant 35:209–215 CrossRef Google Scholar Gangopadhyay G, Poddar R, Gupta S (1998) Micropropagation of sesame ( Sesamum indicum L.) by in vitro multiple shoot production from nodal explants.

Efficacy of organic amendments used in …

27/01/2020 · The level of response in plant growth parameters cannot be explained by the amount of mineral nutrients in commercial preparations (Crouch and Van Staden, 1993) and it is likely due, in part, to plant growth regulators such as cytokinins, auxins, abscisic acid, gibberellins, brassinosteroids and similar compounds; bioactive compounds such as phloroglucinol and eckol; other low molecular …

Cytokinin - Plant Hormones - Plant Growth Factors

Since their discovery in 1955 much work has been carried out on cytokinins. This has resulted in a good understanding of cytokinin structure and how it is able to act as a plant hormone. This section of plant biology advice gives information on cytokinin form, biosynthesis and function.

Efficacy of organic amendments used in …

27/01/2020 · The level of response in plant growth parameters cannot be explained by the amount of mineral nutrients in commercial preparations (Crouch and Van Staden, 1993) and it is likely due, in part, to plant growth regulators such as cytokinins, auxins, abscisic acid, gibberellins, brassinosteroids and similar compounds; bioactive compounds such as phloroglucinol and eckol; other low molecular …

Plant Growth Regulators III : Gibberellins, Ethylene ...

Martin-Tanguy J., Martin C., Paynot M. & Rossin N. 1988 Effect of hormone treatment on growth bud formation and free amine and hydroxycinamoil putrescine levels in leaf explant of Nicotiana tabacum cultivated in vitro. Plant Physiol. 88, 600–604. PubMed Google Scholar

Effects of antibiotics on in vitro -cultured …

Here, we report the effects of kanamycin (Km), cefotaxime (Cef), carbenicillin (Crb), and ampicillin (Amp) on morphogenesis of Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa L. ssp. pekinensis) cultured on Murashige and Skoog medium. The four antibiotics had little effect on callus induction, but influenced shoot and root differentiation to different degrees.

Issue | Plant, Soil and Environment

The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones on the growth of cotyledonary axilars of flax (Linum usitatissimum), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and pea (Pisum sativum) Š. Klíčová, J. Šebánek, T. Vlašic. Plant Soil Environ., 50 (2004): 182-187 abstract download PDF.

Cytokinin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Cytokinins are one of the major plant hormones that regulate numerous aspects of growth and development. Although the role of cytokinins in various developmental processes has been well characterized, our knowledge on their effect on plant stress tolerance is still fragmentary.

The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones …

The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones on the growth of cotyledonary axilars of flax (Linum usitatissimum), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and pea (Pisum sativum) Article   in   Plant...

Cytokinins - Plant Growth Regulators | Sigma-Aldrich

Cytokinins in the intact plant are the phytohormones that work from the bottom up. Made in the roots (also seeds and fruits), cytokinins travel up the xylem and promote lateral growth. Since auxins travel down from the growing tip and act to suppress lateral growth, these two types of hormones strike a balance.

The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones …

The effect of cytokinins and other plant hormones on the growth of cotyledonary axilars of flax (Linum usitatissimum), sunflower (Helianthus annuus) and pea (Pisum sativum) Article   in   Plant...


16/11/2016 · Adding to the complexity of the roles of cytokinins in plant–pathogen interactions is the fact that in some cases an increase in the levels of biologically active cytokinins in plants is associated with increased pathogen growth, a process that we have named cytokinin-induced susceptibility.

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cytokinin | Definition, Functions, & Uses | Britannica

Cytokinin, any of a number of plant hormones that influence growth and the stimulation of cell division. Cytokinins are synthesized in the roots and are usually derived from adenine. They move upward in the xylem (woody tissue) and pass into the leaves and fruits, where they are required for normal growth and cell differentiation.

Cytokinins - Plant Cell Biology For Masters- by G. R ...

Cytokinins are a major class of plant hormones that are involved in various aspects of plant development, ranging from organ formation and apical dominance to leaf senescence. Cytokinin and auxin have long been known to interact antagonistically, and more recent studies have shown that cytokinins also interact with other plant hormones to regulate plant development.

Growth - Suplementação - Preço Direto da Fábrica

AnúncioEncontre Seu Suplemento com o Melhor Preço e Qualidade em Até 6x Sem Juros!

Cytokinins - Plant Growth Regulators | Sigma-Aldrich

Cytokinins in the intact plant are the phytohormones that work from the bottom up. Made in the roots (also seeds and fruits), cytokinins travel up the xylem and promote lateral growth. Since auxins travel down from the growing tip and act to suppress lateral growth, these two types of hormones strike a balance.

Over‐expression of Brassica napus …

Other changes included increased phytic acid levels and phytohormone organization patterns. These results suggest the importance of PtdIns‐PLC2 as an elicitor of a battery of events that systematically control hormone regulation, and plant growth and development in what may be a …

Cytokinins - Plant Cell Biology For Masters- by G. R ...

Cytokinins are a major class of plant hormones that are involved in various aspects of plant development, ranging from organ formation and apical dominance to leaf senescence. Cytokinin and auxin have long been known to interact antagonistically, and more recent studies have shown that cytokinins also interact with other plant hormones to regulate plant development.

Cytokinin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Cytokinins are one of the major plant hormones that regulate numerous aspects of growth and development. Although the role of cytokinins in various developmental processes has been well characterized, our knowledge on their effect on plant stress tolerance is still fragmentary.

Cytokinins - Plant Cell Biology For Masters- by G. R ...

Cytokinins are a major class of plant hormones that are involved in various aspects of plant development, ranging from organ formation and apical dominance to leaf senescence. Cytokinin and auxin have long been known to interact antagonistically, and more recent studies have shown that cytokinins also interact with other plant hormones to regulate plant development.

Neglected Oil Crop Biotechnology | SpringerLink

Ganapathi TR, Nataraja K (1993) Effect of auxins and cytokinins on plant regeneration from hypocotyls and cotyledons of niger (Guizotia abyssinica). Biol Plant 35:209–215 CrossRef Google Scholar Gangopadhyay G, Poddar R, Gupta S (1998) Micropropagation of sesame ( Sesamum indicum L.) by in vitro multiple shoot production from nodal explants.

Plant Growth Regulators III Gibberellins Ethylene …

The Plant Hormone Ethylene, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida. SISLER E.C., DUPILLE E. & SEREK m. 1996 effect of 1-methylcyclopropene and methylcyclopropane on ethylene binding and ethylene action on cut carnations. Plant Growth Regul. 18, 79-86. SKOOG F. (ed.) 1980 Plant Growth Substances. Proc. 10 th Int. Conf. Plant

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