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Factors influencing administrators’ empowerment and financial management effectiveness - دانلود رایگان

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دانلود رایگان Factors influencing administrators’ empowerment and financial management effectivenessmanagement effectiveness

موضوع مقاله : عوامل موثر بر توانمند سازی مدیران و اثربخشی مدیریت مالی

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در این پژوهش، ارتباط بین عوامل معین توانمندسازی مدیران براساس چارچوب وضوح یکپارچۀ (IC) میاشیرو و روزنبرگ (2007) بر هویت، هدف چشم‌انداز مثبت، مسیر، ساختار، انرژی و بیان و اثربخشی مدیریت مالی بر برنامه‌ریزی، بودجه‌بندی، نظارت و ارزیابی تعیین شد.
عوامل معین موثر بر توانمندسازی مدیران و کارکردهای اثربخشی مدیریت مالی به صورت معنی‌دار توسط اصول برنامه‌ریزی یکپارچه، سیستم نظارت و بودجه‌بندی (IPBMS) و تا حدی در ارتباط با طول دوره خدمت و آموزش مدیریت مالی و مهیاسازی تحت مشخصه‌های مدیران تقویت شده‌اند. نتایج این تحقیق پایه‌ای برای توانمندسازی پیشنهادی و طرح توسعه پایداریِ مالی هستند.

کلیدواژه‌ها: اثربخشی مدیریت مالی، وضوح یکپارچه (IC)، برنامه‌ریزی یکپارچه، سیستم نظارت و بودجه‌بندی (IPBMS)

1. مقدمه
تمرکز بر حداکثرسازی ارزش به صورت عنصری غیرقابل بحث در آغاز قرن بیست‌ و یکم پدیدار شد. آموزش هنر مدیریتِ امور مالی در هر سازمان رشته‌ای ضروری برای ایجاد و حفظ پایداری مالی است. این تحقیق تلاش دارد به بررسی و تایید موضوع ذیل بپردازد: وضوح یکپارچه (IC) و چارچوب‌های نظارت- بودجه‌بندی برنامه‌ریزی یکپارچه (IPBMS) در صورتی به بهترین نحو به کار می‌آیند که تمام فعالان اصلی صاحب قدرت برای تاثیرگذاری بر طرح‌های استراتژیک و تصمیم‌گیری مالی، متقاعد شده باشند که نظارت، مشارکت فعال، پاسخگویی و تعهد به اهداف و مقاصد سازمان آموزشی شرایطِ ضروری هستند تا تغییرها و مداخله‌های سازمانیِ کارآمد با حداکثر نتایج و حداقل هزینه و اتلاف حاصل شوند. هدف این تحقیق شناسایی عواملی است که می‌توانند بر توانمندسازی مدیران و اثربخشی مدیریت مالی موثر باشند و در این فرایند نحوه همبستگی این دو عامل را برای پیشنهاد طرح توسعه پایدار مالی و توانمندسازی مشخص کنند.

2. چارچوب مفهومی و نظری
تحقیق آمالی ایفانتی (2011) بر مسائل توانمندسازی مدرسه در طی سه دهه اخیر، «توانمندسازی مدرسه: گفتمان و علوم سیاسی فدراسیون معلمین دبیرستان در یونان»، تا حد زیادی اهمیتِ توانمندسازی مدرسه را تایید کرد. در حالی که توانمندسازی موضوعی جدید نیست، چارچ











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motivation. These extrinsic factors include, work condition, pay, fringe benefits and the work environment among others. Furthermore, the extrinsic factors are fundamental in influencing the employee to strive at achieving the set goals by efficiently performing the necessary tasks.


motivation. These extrinsic factors include, work condition, pay, fringe benefits and the work environment among others. Furthermore, the extrinsic factors are fundamental in influencing the employee to strive at achieving the set goals by efficiently performing the necessary tasks.

Explaining Human Resource Empowerment

12/09/2016 · Factors influencing administrators Empowerment and financial management effectiveness.Social and behavioral sciences journal,17, 466-475. Spreitzer, Gretchen m. (1996).

Decision Making: Factors that Influence Decision …

Together, heuristics and factors influencing decision making are a significant aspect of critical thinking (West, Toplak, & Stanovich, 2008). There is some indication that this can be taught, which benefits those learning how to make appropriate and the best decisions in various situations (Nokes &Hacker, 2007).


financial management as activity which is concerned with the planning and controlling of an organisation‟s financial resources. According to Ogbonnaya (2005) financial management implies liability to be called upon to account for or answer for funds entrusted to one‟s care. Principals of secondary schools in Benue State depend on school fees as

Decision Making: Factors that Influence Decision …

Together, heuristics and factors influencing decision making are a significant aspect of critical thinking (West, Toplak, & Stanovich, 2008). There is some indication that this can be taught, which benefits those learning how to make appropriate and the best decisions in various situations (Nokes &Hacker, 2007).


factors influencing financial management in public Secondary Schools in Nakuru County. ... They are run by school administrators and the board of management. The board deals with the standards of education provided and balance cost and effectiveness (GoK, 2013).

Explaining Human Resource Empowerment

12/09/2016 · Factors influencing administrators Empowerment and financial management effectiveness.Social and behavioral sciences journal,17, 466-475. Spreitzer, Gretchen m. (1996).

The role of medical group practice administrators

Background: Although there are numerous studies of the factors influencing the adoption of quality assurance (QA) programs by medical group practices, few have focused on the role of group practice administrators. Purpose: To gain insights into the role these administrators play in QA programs, ...

Factors influencing corporate rescue | The Herald

20/08/2020 · Factors influencing corporate rescue. 20 Aug, ... also known by other names is a professional who is registered with the Estate Administrators Council of ... imprudent financial management

Explaining Human Resource Empowerment

12/09/2016 · Factors influencing administrators Empowerment and financial management effectiveness.Social and behavioral sciences journal,17, 466-475. Spreitzer, Gretchen m. (1996).

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Universal ...

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Universal Primary Education in Mvita and Changamwe Sub Counties, ... need careful planning and use and therefore school heads need training on financial management. In Kenya, it is provided that, ... including administrators, teachers, staff, students, parents, community members, ...

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Universal ...

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Universal Primary Education in Mvita and Changamwe Sub Counties, ... need careful planning and use and therefore school heads need training on financial management. In Kenya, it is provided that, ... including administrators, teachers, staff, students, parents, community members, ...

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Universal ...

Factors Influencing the Implementation of Universal Primary Education in Mvita and Changamwe Sub Counties, ... need careful planning and use and therefore school heads need training on financial management. In Kenya, it is provided that, ... including administrators, teachers, staff, students, parents, community members, ...

The role of medical group practice administrators

Background: Although there are numerous studies of the factors influencing the adoption of quality assurance (QA) programs by medical group practices, few have focused on the role of group practice administrators. Purpose: To gain insights into the role these administrators play in QA programs, ...

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness of Power Tactics How the from BBUS 3012EHR at Griffith University

Factors Influencing Administrators’ Empowerment …

Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbsp... (external link)

Factors Influencing Administrators’ Empowerment …

20/02/2015 · The identified factors on Administrators’ empowerment and the functions of financial management effectiveness are significantly reinforced by Integrated Planning, Budgeting and Monitoring System (IPBMS) principles and to some extent in relation to the Length of service and financial management training and preparation under the Administrators’ characteristics.


financial management as activity which is concerned with the planning and controlling of an organisation‟s financial resources. According to Ogbonnaya (2005) financial management implies liability to be called upon to account for or answer for funds entrusted to one‟s care. Principals of secondary schools in Benue State depend on school fees as

Factors Influencing Administrators’ Empowerment …

Download PDF: Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following location(s): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbsp... (external link)

The role of medical group practice administrators

Background: Although there are numerous studies of the factors influencing the adoption of quality assurance (QA) programs by medical group practices, few have focused on the role of group practice administrators. Purpose: To gain insights into the role these administrators play in QA programs, ...

Financial Planning - Definition, Objectives and …

Financial Planning is the process of estimating the capital required and determining its competition. It is the process of framing financial policies in relation to procurement, investment and administration of funds of an enterprise.


financial management as activity which is concerned with the planning and controlling of an organisation‟s financial resources. According to Ogbonnaya (2005) financial management implies liability to be called upon to account for or answer for funds entrusted to one‟s care. Principals of secondary schools in Benue State depend on school fees as

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness of Power Tactics How the from BBUS 3012EHR at Griffith University

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness of Power Tactics How the from BBUS 3012EHR at Griffith University

(PDF) Factors Influencing Administrators’ …

This study determined the relationship between the identified factors of Administrators’ Empowerment based on the Integrated Clarity (IC) framework of Miyashiro and Rosenberg (2007) on Identity,...

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness

Factors Influencing the Choice and Effectiveness of Power Tactics How the from BBUS 3012EHR at Griffith University

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