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Effects of corporate social responsibility and internal marketingon organizational commitment and tu - دانلود رایگان

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دانلود رایگان Effects of corporate social responsibility and internal marketingon organizational commitment and tu اثرات مسؤلیت اجتماعی شرکت و بازاریابی داخلی بر تعهد سازمانی و مقاصد گردش مالی
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اثرات مسؤلیت اجتماعی شرکت و بازاریابی داخلی بر تعهد سازمانی و مقاصد گردش مالی
این مطالعه اثرات چهارجانبه مسؤلیت اجتماعی شرکت (CSR) یعنی مسؤلیت اقتصادی، قانونی، اخلاقی و نوعدوستی و پنج جنبه بازاریابی داخلی (IM) یعنی سیستم رفاهی، آموزش، پاداش و غرامت، ارتباطات و تایید(تقویت) مدیریت را بر تعهد سازمانی کارکنان( OC) و مقاصد گردش مالی ( TI) در صنعت کازینو ( casino ) بررسی کرده است.
بر اساس داده های ارزیابی جمع آوری شده از ۳۱۰کارمند شاغل کازینو، روابط بااستفاده از آنالیز ضریب تاییدی، آنالیز ضریب درجه دوم و مدل سازی معادله ساختاری بررسی شدند. نتایج نشان می دهند که اگاهی کارکنان درباره ی CSR و IM با OC ارتباط مثبت و با TI آنها ارتباط منفی دارد و نشان می دهد که اضافه شدن برنامه های CSR به برنامه هایIM به طور همزمان در محیط کازینو برای پیشینه تحقیقاتی نقش ایفا می کند.
۱— مقدمه
برنامه های مسئولیت اجتماعی شرکت ( CSR) در سراسر صنعت هتلداری از جمله اپراتورهای کازینو مانند اپراتورهای بین المللی طبقه بندی MGG, لاس و گاس سندز ( Las Vagas Sands ) و سرگرمی Caesars گسترش یافته اند. اگرچه درباره ی CSR تعاریف و جنبه های مختلفی برای استفاده وجود داردCarroll’s (1991, 1998) ، با این حال تعریف (۱۹۹۱) Carroll دارای چهار جنبه CSR است که معمولأ بکار گرفته می شوند :















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The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility ...

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when a company operates in an ethical and sustainable way and deals with its environmental and social impacts. This means a careful consideration of human rights, the community, environment, and society in which it operates.

Corporate Social Responsibility and Competitive …

Factors of internal corporate social responsibility and the effect on organizational commitment 27 August 2015 | The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 27, No. 13 A Strategic Approach to CSR Communication: Examining the Impact of Brand Familiarity on Consumer Responses

The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility

Melis Kaytaz Yiğit, Özge Kirezli, Understanding Historical Background of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Realizing Social Media as a New Horizon in CSR Communication, Corporate Social Responsibility and Strategic Market Positioning for Organizational Success, 10.4018/978-1-5225-5409-7.ch003, (59-85), (2019).

Factors of internal corporate social responsibility …

08/05/2017 · Internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an essential part of organizations' social responsibility. Yet, to date, CSR's internal dimension has been widely neglected in the literature. This paper empirically explores the concept of internal CSR and its relationship to employees' affective and normative organizational commitment.

Corporate social responsibility | definition and …

The internal area of responsibility includes all internal processes that affect the corporate strategy itself. The internal area of responsibility is usually the responsibility of company executives and influences important decisions, e.g. which business partners are acquired, one's own responsibility to the market with regard to monopolies, fair and realistic growth planning, and healthy ...

Corporate Social Responsibility - A Simple Guide …

For many, corporate social responsibility (CSR) presents an opportunity for a business to strengthen relations with stakeholders at every level, having become an integral part of developing company strategies and partnerships.. As customers, employees and suppliers begin to place more value on corporate social responsibility initiatives, businesses have looked to CSR as a means of ...

(PDF) Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility

This was an exploratory research based on primary and secondary data with some experimentation to manipulate respondents' attitude towards organization and its corporate social responsibility actions.

Factors of internal corporate social responsibility …

08/05/2017 · Internal corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an essential part of organizations' social responsibility. Yet, to date, CSR's internal dimension has been widely neglected in the literature. This paper empirically explores the concept of internal CSR and its relationship to employees' affective and normative organizational commitment.

Effects of corporate social responsibility and …

This study examined the effects of four aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) (i.e., economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibility) and five aspects of internal marketing (IM) (i.e., welfare system, training, compensation, communication, and management support) on employees’ organizational commitment (OC) and turnover intentions (TI) in the casino industry.

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AnúncioLive, TV, Public Relations Live, TV, Public Relations, KPPR Events app. Event Advertising agency that connects brands and consumers through lifestyle marketing.

Title : Abstract

Effects of corporate social responsibility and internal marketingon organizational commitment Abstract : Today, in a competitive world of services, successful organizations have a sustainable competitive advantage, and employees with a positive attitude toward work and organization are key to gaining this advantage.

Social Responsibility & Ethics in Marketing | …

Though the pursuit of social responsibility and ethical marketing does not automatically translate into increased profit, it is still the responsibility of the firm to ensure it is responsible for its actions and their impact on society. This article will study, 1) understanding business ethics and socially responsible marketing, 2) developing and implementing a socially responsible marketing ...

Effects of corporate social responsibility on …

01/10/2018 · J.S. Kim, H.J. Song, C.K. LeeEffects of corporate social responsibility and internal marketing on organizational commitment and turnover intentions International Journal of Hospitality Management, 55 (2016), pp. 25-32

Effects of corporate social responsibility and …

This study examined the effects of four aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR) (i.e., economic, legal, ethical, and philanthropic responsibility) and five aspects of internal marketing (IM) (i.e., welfare system, training, compensation, communication, and management support) on employees’ organizational commitment (OC) and turnover intentions (TI) in the casino industry.

Effects of corporate social responsibility on …

01/10/2018 · J.S. Kim, H.J. Song, C.K. LeeEffects of corporate social responsibility and internal marketing on organizational commitment and turnover intentions International Journal of Hospitality Management, 55 (2016), pp. 25-32

Live functions & Media Events - Kppr events & Marketing Corp

AnúncioLive, TV, Public Relations Live, TV, Public Relations, KPPR Events app. Event Advertising agency that connects brands and consumers through lifestyle marketing.

Corporate Social Responsibility - A Simple Guide …

For many, corporate social responsibility (CSR) presents an opportunity for a business to strengthen relations with stakeholders at every level, having become an integral part of developing company strategies and partnerships.. As customers, employees and suppliers begin to place more value on corporate social responsibility initiatives, businesses have looked to CSR as a means of ...

The Importance of Corporate Social Responsibility ...

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when a company operates in an ethical and sustainable way and deals with its environmental and social impacts. This means a careful consideration of human rights, the community, environment, and society in which it operates.

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